Hi there, I’m Prem..
When I am not counselling I love working in my market garden, providing veggie boxes to the local community.
Happy places include the ocean, sitting by a camp fire and dance floors.

What I love to do….
This quote sums up my approach with all clients:
“True healing is not the fixing of the broken, but the rediscovery of the unbroken.” Jeff Foster
When wounds are tended to, and deep stories heard, your inherent abilty to heal shines forward.
Training and Experience
2020 to 2022, Graduate Diploma (Post graduate) in Counselling with Australian College of Applied Psychology, Sydney.
May to August 2019, Spiritual Care Internship, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne.
February 2017 – 2019, Pastoral Care Training, CPE Course, Tilba Tilba, Far South Coast
July 2017, Cert IV in Training and Education, MCI, Sydney.
June 2016, Trauma Sensitive Yoga Training, Sydney (currently continuing online training)
January 2016, Mindfulness for dealing with difficult emotions, online training.
2016 & 2019, Non Violent Communication Training, two weekends with Kate Raffin, Bega. Ongoing practice group facilitation & participation.
2015, Mindfulness Fundamentals and Mindfulness Schools Curriculum training.
2013, SoulCollage® facilitators training, Sydney.
2007 Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselling Course, with Dr. Rama Prasad, Canberra.
2004 Diploma of Satyananda Yoga training, Academy of Yoga Science, Mangrove Creek.
Premkranti’s ability to impart kind, clear and concise instruction provides students with the certainty they are in skilled hands. Her mindfulness classes are not only valuable for learning the practice itself (which I love!) she links the
Prem’s yoga classes have helped me achieve balance in my life. The breathing and mindfulness techniques Prem teaches have become invaluable in my everyday life to gain a sense of calm and perspective and the physical postures stretch my body wonderfully. Prem’s gentle and non-judgemental manner creates a class where everyone is able to benefit.