
Personally I cannot image life without my SoulCollage® cards, my deck would certainly be one of the first things I would grab if there was an emergency! They are irreplaceable and unique, unlike any other kind of cards, as I have created them myself and they all represent different parts of me.

“Originated by Seena Frost, SoulCollage® is a process for accessing your intuition and

creating an incredible deck of cards with deep personal meaning that will help you with life’s questions and transitions.”
SoulCollage® is a joyful, creative art process that gives you great insight into all the aspects of you. Using simple cut and paste collage techniques, with images from magazines and recycled books, over time, you create a deck of cards. Cards could depict your Inner princess, clown, child or states like joy, grief and anger. You can make cards for loved ones, and animal guides.
There is no limit to the number of cards you create! Once created, you read the cards, letting the energy or personality of the card speak. Once this can be done in a spontaneous way, great wisdom can come forward. You can learn much about all the different aspects of who you are, see your strengths and weaknesses and know who to call on when you need support. You have to do SoulCollage® to fully get the process but once you do, you will be hooked!

The website has two great videos on the home page that describe SoulCollage® processes and practices. “Invitation to SoulCollage®” is a practical look at how to create the cards.

The video “WHY do SoulCollage®” is a more in depth look at the practice and its application in community and society.

Contact me to organise a workshop, class, retreat or private session. Great for birthdays and any significant celebrations.

SoulCollage®  is suitable for teams, groups and community events. Contact me to organise a workshop, class, retreat or private session.

Current Class Information

There are classes, groups and workshops happening regularly in the Bega Valley, Sapphire Coast and other locations in Australia.

Get in touch for all the current class information by clicking below.