Without compassion, it is very difficult to grow in your spiritual life.

Without compassion, meditation, yoga and other spiritual pursuits can become another area of life where you feel “not good enough”.

Without compassion, spiritual practice may help change the way you think but your heart will not be engaged in the process.

Practices that simply instruct you to “offer yourself compassion” can be met with inner resistance.

Resistance based on maladaptive beliefs about your self that might have kept you safe but now block your ability to open your heart.

To yourself.

soul collage art therapy creativity meditation mindfulness

SoulCollage™ is a brilliant art therapy method. It supports you to explore your own concept and experience of compassion and its opposing player; your inner critic.

We will make simple cut and paste collage in a small format to express these archetypes. Your cards become beautiful tools to create compassion and self understanding.

Giving you with more ease and grace in relationships.

And more love, who doesn’t want more love??