
Do you have ‘bad parts’? Parts of you that you wish didn't exist? Parts you wish would get back in their box?The Internal family systems (IFS) model of psychotherapy says:THERE ARE NO BAD PARTS!This model provides a wonderful framework for working with the parts of us...

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3 simple steps towards peace of mind.

3 simple steps towards peace of mind.

Earlier this year I freaked out.As a counsellor at the Red Door Health Clinic, I was struggling to work out why I didn’t have more clients. I’d been warned so many times; “You’re going to be swamped with clients”. And I got to worrying, in the middle of the night,...

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Without compassion…….

Without compassion…….

Without compassion, it is very difficult to grow in your spiritual life. Without compassion, meditation, yoga and other spiritual pursuits can become another area of life where you feel “not good enough”.Without compassion, spiritual practice may help change the way...

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